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chahalis: Congrats!

Hi Jan

I want to congratulate you and thank you for dedicating your time and efforts with keeping the legacy of Bodine alive.  Great, great metal band.  Love it.  Listen to them a lot.  I was a drummer in a band just out of high school in the early 80's and we did Rock Machine!!  My favorite Bodine song.  Also, a close second is Heavy Rain.  This song just blows me away!

I first heard of Bodine from HARD and HARD 2 compilations, then I bought Bold as Brass and III LP's.  It was hard for me to find the first one on LP, so I don't have that one.  Had a bad cassette copy I listened to through the years but now I am enjoying them in great CD quality thanks to you and your website.

Keep up the great work.  And, if members of the band read this forum, THANK YOU for the great music!!  The Rock Machine will NEVER stop rolling!


Thursday, 01 May 2014 18:27
Yorgomou: Bodine 1st LP mp3

Hello.  Big fan from USA.  Can anyone share mp3 file of the fist LP?  Thanks!

Tuesday, 29 April 2014 23:02
Guitars: geweldig

Een knap stukje werk m,n COMPLIMENTEN voor deze site en de mensen die eraan meegewerkt hebben.

Ik ben al bodine Fan vanaf het begin dit was m,n eerste Live band die ik zag in het jongerencentrum BUKBUK in Heiloo GEWELDIG!!  Thuis speel ik nog regelmatig nummers van Bodine Ik zou wel met meerdere muzikanten een Band willen beginnen met nummers van BODINE {Bodine coverband}



Wednesday, 19 February 2014 23:00
Robert-Jan: geweldig

Jammer dat de band Bodine er niet meer is,dit was m,n eerste band die ik LIVE mee maakte in de jaren tachtig in het jongerencentrum BukBuk in Heiloo,ik speel nog regelmatig nummers van Bodine thuis op een van m,n vele gitaren het blijft eindeloos goed!!

m,n COMPLIMENTEN voor deze site en de makers daarvan.


Wednesday, 19 February 2014 21:46
Eduardo de Souza Bonadia: Greetings from Brasil

Hello BODINE fans around the world.It´s great to read about the band again.I really wish some label re-release their three excellent albuns in cd format soon because they are treasures from 80´s .I m the guy who wrote Bold As a Brass lp review on Rock Brigade in the beginning of the 80´s and never left rock/metal music!!!!Check it out my work in Stryke Virtual Metal Magazine & Promotion(link above) and spread the word.80´S METAL IS STILL/ALWAYS ALIVE!! 

Tuesday, 09 April 2013 11:58
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